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Lecture in Colloquium with Dr. Maria del Mar García Jímenez 

Wed­nes­day, July 10th 2024, 11 am, room 128d (Brecht­bau)

A warm invit­a­tion to all AI and art enthu­si­asts to the lec­ture by Dr. Maria del Mar Gar­cía Jíme­nez next Wed­nes­day, July 10th 2024 at 11am in room 128d in the Brechtbau!

Maria del Mar Gar­cía Jíme­nez is cur­rently a vis­it­ing pro­fess­or at the Insti­tute of Media Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen and the RHET AI Cen­ter. Dur­ing her research stay in Tübin­gen, Maria del Mar will not only be part of the work­ing group in Tübin­gen, but will also give an insight into her own research. The col­loqui­um on July 10th will take place at the begin­ning of her stay in Tübin­gen, which will last until Septem­ber 10th, 2024. 

Maria lächelt in die Kamera. Sie steht draußen und lehnt sich an ein Geländer. Im Hintergrund ist ein Ausblick über Tübingen mit Universitätsgebäuden und grünen Bäumen zu sehen.
Dr. Maria del Mar Gar­cía Jíme­nez. Photo: Anna Köhler.

Abstract zum Thema des Kolloquiums

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) is pro­foundly trans­form­ing both artist­ic cre­ation and its teach­ing, rede­fin­ing the con­cepts of cre­ativ­ity and the role of the artist. In the realm of visu­al art pro­duc­tion, AI facil­it­ates the rap­id and eco­nom­ic­al gen­er­a­tion of works through algorithms that learn and rep­lic­ate artist­ic styles, rais­ing ques­tions not only about the legit­im­acy of AI as a co-cre­at­or but also about the future of plastic and visu­al cre­ation. Addi­tion­ally, AI can enable new forms of col­lab­or­a­tion and artist­ic explor­a­tion, demo­crat­iz­ing access to the visu­al and sym­bol­ic pro­duc­tion that char­ac­ter­izes art. The rap­id devel­op­ment of AI has sig­ni­fic­antly impacted the basis of artist­ic cre­ation, pos­ing ques­tions about the future of Visu­al Art in a world where tech­no­logy plays an increas­ingly cent­ral role in cre­at­ive processes.

Import­ant: The lan­guage for the col­loqui­um and the talk will be English.

Intro­duct­ory video for the talk. Video by Maria del Mar Gar­cía Jímenez.

About Dr. Maria del Mar García Jímenez

María del Mar is an artist and uni­ver­sity lec­turer in Fine Arts at the Uni­ver­sity of Seville and a mem­ber of the research group HUM337: Plastic, Sequen­tial, Exper­i­ment­al Print­ing Art and New Tech­no­lo­gies. The­ory and Prac­tice. Her exper­i­ence encom­passes artist­ic cre­ation and research in art. Her research interests include explor­ing the fields of pho­to­graphy and the inter­sec­tions and hybrid­iz­a­tions of con­tem­por­ary art, media, digit­al tech­no­logy, and emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies, includ­ing their soci­opol­it­ic­al and cul­tur­al implications.