Film Screening "Robin Bank"

Movie Poster

On the 2nd of Mai 2023 the film "Robin Bank" (Dir.: Anna Gir­alt Gris, 2022) will be shown with­in the con­text of the sym­posi­um "Social Justice and Tech­no­lo­gic­al Futures".

The doc­u­ment­ary is about the spec­tac­u­lar case of Robin Bank – the man who stole half a mil­lion euros from 39 banks to fund social causes and fight glob­al­ized cap­it­al­ism in an extreme form of act­iv­ism. Digit­al tech­no­lo­gies also play an import­ant role in the movie. Fur­ther­more, parts of the film were anim­ated using arti­fi­cial intelligence.

Fol­low­ing the screen­ing of the movie there will be an audi­ence dis­cus­sion with Jorge Caballero Ramos, the film's producer.

Screening Details

The screen­ing will take place on the 2nd of Mai at 6pm at the Kino Arsen­al ("Arsen­al Cinema"). Admis­sion is 10 euros for reg­u­lar tick­ets and 9 euros for dis­coun­ted tick­ets. Admis­sion is free for invited speak­ers and sym­posi­um chairs.