On four Fridays between November and February, we will once again focus on the topic of "artificial intelligence" from a linguistic perspective.
Artificial Intelligence is considered one of the greatest opportunities and challenges facing our society today. Research in AI comes from a variety of scientific disciplines, from the natural and technical sciences to the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. Since language is of great importance in the context of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is also a subject of linguistic research, which we want to address in the colloquium "Artificial Friday".
Language plays a role in artificial intelligence in several ways. Many AI systems can talk themselves, which in turn leads to humans talking to AI. Artificial intelligence is also the subject of many scientific and non-scientific debates as a source of hope for the future, which is also associated with many fears. As a result, artificial intelligence is a recurring topic of discussion.
The colloquium will explore these connections between language and artificial intelligence. Each Friday in November, December, January, and February, different linguistic approaches to AI will be presented.

November 04, 2022 14:00 – 16:00 | Olaf Kramer (Tübingen) | Rhetoric of the AI discourse Derya Gür-Şeker (Essen) | Let’s talk about AI! A social media analysis |
December 02, 2022 14:00 – 16:00 | Jean Nitzke (Kristiansand) | Machine translation – curse, blessing and everyday life for translation Philipp Dreesen & Julia Krasselt (Winterthur) | Research results on automated driving as a discursive subject |
January 13, 2022 14:00 – 16:00 | Noah Bubenhofer (Zurich) | Coding Cultures and Modeling Cultures: A Cultural Linguistic View of Scripting and AI Christoph Purschke (Luxembourg) | Cultural Language Processing. Why language processing is not „natural“. |
February 10, 2022 14:00 – 16:00 | Netaya Lotze (Münster) | Semantic dialogue coherence in human-machine interactions Monika Hanauska (Karlsruhe) | Wise, clever, creative machines? Negotiations on the term „Artificial Intelligence“ in comments on science blog pos |