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Lecture: "(Audiovisual) discourses of Artificial Intelligence in the (Global) South(s)"

On 17 May at 04:00 pm, Dr. Anne Burkhardt from the RHET-AI Cen­ter Tübin­gen will give a lec­ture as part of the Tübin­gen Sci­ence Bridge — Lat­in Amer­ica (Human­it­ies) program.

The top­ic of the lec­ture is: "(Audi­ovisu­al) dis­courses of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in the (Glob­al) South(s)".

The Tübin­gen Sci­ence Bridge — Lat­in Amer­ica (Human­it­ies) is an ini­ti­at­ive of the Brazil and Lat­in Amer­ica Centre Baden-Württem­berg. This year the pro­gram focuses on how the human­it­ies and social sci­ences deal with arti­fi­cial intelligence.

The lec­ture is aimed at uni­ver­sity teach­ers, (young) sci­ent­ists and the aca­dem­ic­ally inter­ested pub­lic. It will be held in Eng­lish via ZOOM.

More inform­a­tion and registration