RHET AI & Jugend Präsentiert (Youth presents) at SUNY Council on Writing Conference 2023

Togeth­er with our col­leagues Maria Föt­tinger and Fabi­an Ruth from Jugend Präsen­tiert (Youth Presents) we will be host­ing a pan­el on "Rhet­or­ic­al Lit­er­acy as AI Lit­er­acy" at the SUNY Coun­cil on Writ­ing Con­fer­ence 2023 in New York / Zoom.

Main top­ics of the con­fer­ence include eth­ics of per­sua­sion by and with AI, exist­ing and emer­ging AI devel­op­ments and plat­forms likely to influ­ence writ­ing and rhet­or­ic in the future, dom­in­ant dis­courses and rhet­or­ics of AI and more. A focus dur­ing the con­fer­ence will be on the con­nec­tion between rhet­or­ic and arti­fi­cial intelligence.

Ahead of the con­fer­ence the team present­ing the pan­el (con­sist­ing of Markus Gott­schling, Salina Weber, and Anna Köhler from the RHET AI Cen­ter and Maria Föt­tinger and Fabi­an Ruth from Youth Presents) met vir­tu­ally on octo­ber 13th to prac­tice their present­a­tions and clear up the last organ­iz­a­tion­al ques­tions. The main present­a­tion will be held at 10:30 AM EDT (4:30 PM MESZ).

In the picture you can see a shared Zoom screen with a presentation slide and five people on top in their respective Zoom windows.

The presentation slide reads "Rhetorical literacy as AI literacy
Maria Föttinger, Dr. Markus Gottschling, Anna Köhler, Dr. Fabian Ruth, Salina Weber
Research Center for Science Communication, University of Tübingen

SUNY Council on Writing Conference 2023
Stony Brook University, New York"

On the bottom of the slide you can see the logos of the university of Tübingen, the RHET AI Center and Jugend Präsentiert (Youth Presents).

The con­fer­ence will take place on Octo­ber 13th & 14th, 2023 at Stony Brook Uni­ver­sity in New York and being hos­ted online via Zoom.

Addi­tion­al inform­a­tion for SUNY Coun­cil on Writ­ing Con­fer­ence 2023