12th of January 2024, 19:15, d.a.i. hall Karlsstraße 3, 72072 Tübingen
Admission free, event in English language
What happens when AI and algorithms meet with theater? What new possibilities arise? Which meanings are constituted? And how can co-creative processes between actors and artificial intelligence take place on stage? New York-based theater maker Annie Dorsen deals with precisely these questions in her work and is a pioneer at the intersection of theater and artificial intelligence.
On this evening, she will provide detailed insights into her work and discuss the development and significance of her plays together with Dr. Johannes Birgfeld and Dr. Markus Gottschling.

Annie Dorsen
Annie Dorsen was born in New York in 1973 and studied at Yale University and Yale School of Drama. She is one of the most influential theater makers of our time and the recipient of numerous prizes and scholarships. You can get an insight into her current play Prometheus Firebringer (2023) here.
Dr. Johannes Birgfeld
Johannes Birgfeld teaches and researches German Studies at Saarland University with a focus on contemporary theater. He is co-organizer of the Saarbrücker Poetikdozentur für Drama.
Dr. Markus Gottschling
Markus Gottschling is a research associate at the Department of General Rhetoric in Tübingen. He researches and teaches literature, rhetoric and science communication. He also coordinates the RHET AI Center and is the head of the "Communicative Competence" unit there.
The event is a cooperation between the Rhet AI Center, the University of Tübingen, the d‑a.i. and Saarland University. Further information can be found here.