Journalist-in-Residence Program 2024

The applic­a­tion phase for the Journ­al­ist-in-Res­id­ence Pro­gram for 2024 has started!

How should journ­al­ists cov­er new devel­op­ments in arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence? How can journ­al­ists use intel­li­gent sys­tems, machine learn­ing and com­puter vis­ion to sup­port their work? If you want to find answers to these ques­tions, you can now apply for the Cyber Val­ley Journ­al­ist-in-Res­id­ence (JIR) program.

Cyber Valley's Journ­al­ist-in-Res­id­ence (JIR) pro­gram is designed for exper­i­enced journ­al­ists who want to explore intel­li­gent sys­tems and the rela­tion­ship between journ­al­ism and AI. Dur­ing their stay, JIRs will have the oppor­tun­ity to learn about the latest devel­op­ments in machine learn­ing, com­puter vis­ion and robot­ics with­in the Cyber Val­ley com­munity. They will have the unique oppor­tun­ity to gain access to excel­lent research at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Intel­li­gent Sys­tems, the Eber­hard Karls Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen and the Uni­ver­sity of Stut­tgart. The res­id­ency offers space for cre­ativ­ity and free think­ing about meth­ods, future tools and devel­op­ments for AI-driv­en or AI-assisted journalism.

Inter­ested journ­al­ists can apply for a three- to six-month paid stay at Cyber Val­ley in Tübin­gen until Feb­ru­ary 29, 2024. Dur­ing this time, the journ­al­ist-in-res­id­ence can con­duct inde­pend­ent research on a top­ic of their choice in exchange with AI research­ers, entre­pren­eurs and industry part­ners. Cyber Val­ley does not expect any report­ing on AI top­ics or on Cyber Val­ley dur­ing this time.

The call for applic­a­tions is aimed at per­man­ent and freel­ance journ­al­ists who research and report in Ger­man or Eng­lish. Remu­ner­a­tion via a con­tract for work is based on TV‑L E13. The stay can be com­pleted part-time.

“I recom­mend apply­ing to any­one who is ready to dive deep into research on intel­li­gent sys­tems — and at the same time work in a city that closely fol­lows such devel­op­ments,” says data journ­al­ist Christina Elmer, who was Journ­al­ist-in-Res­id­ence in 2021 and is now Germany's first pro­fess­or of data journ­al­ism at the Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity of Dortmund.

Since the 2021 pilot pro­ject, the JIR pro­gram has estab­lished itself as an integ­ral part of Cyber Valley's pub­lic engage­ment strategy. Oth­er former Journ­al­ists-in-Res­id­ence include Julia Mer­lot from Der Spiegel, Bet­tina Friedrich from MDR, freel­ance journ­al­ist Tobi­as Asmuth, and journ­al­ist Elena Ried­linger from WDR.

What does Cyber Val­ley offer?

  • Intro­duc­tion to the fun­da­ment­als of machine learn­ing, com­puter vis­ion, and robotics
  • Access to a net­work of researchers
  • Insights into the Cyber Val­ley community
  • Space for cre­ativ­ity and reflec­tion on meth­ods, tools and AI-sup­por­ted journalism
  • Paid employ­ment contract
  • Budget for own events (e.g. work­shops, expert talks and travel)
  • Office and accommodation
  • Full-time/­part-time
  • TV‑L E13

How can you apply?

Inter­ested journ­al­ists have until Feb­ru­ary 29, 2024 to apply. Applic­a­tions may be sub­mit­ted in Eng­lish or Ger­man. To apply, please send a cov­er let­ter, cur­riculum vitae and an idea paper on the research top­ic you are inter­ested in by email to Patrick Klü­gel. The two-page idea paper should explain the journ­al­ist­ic chal­lenge the applic­ant would like to tackle dur­ing their stay. The selec­tion cri­ter­ia are Journ­al­ist­ic qual­ity, scope, pre­vi­ous exper­i­ence in data journ­al­ism and cre­ativ­ity, rel­ev­ance and feas­ib­il­ity of the self-selec­ted pro­ject. An inde­pend­ent jury will pro­pose up to two can­did­ates for the pro­gram from the applic­a­tions received by March 2024. The jury will make the final selec­tion by early April 2024. Applic­a­tions may be sub­mit­ted in Eng­lish or German.

The JIR pro­gram offers space for two journ­al­ists to spend three months each, or for one journ­al­ist to spend six months. The stay must begin in 2024. For more inform­a­tion about the call for applic­a­tions and the Cyber Val­ley JIR pro­gram, please con­tact Patrick Klü­gel.

The JIR pro­gram is a cooper­a­tion between the Cen­ter for Rhet­or­ic­al Sci­ence Com­mu­nic­a­tion on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (RHET AI) and Cyber Val­ley, fun­ded by the Volk­swa­gen Foundation.