RHET AI Center at "Wissenschaft begeistert!" (‘Science Excites!’)

As part of the ‘Sci­ence Excites!’ event series, Dr Anne Burkhardt from the RHET AI Cen­ter will be vis­it­ing the Isolde-Kurz-Gym­nas­i­um in Reut­lingen on Fri­day, April 19th. She will give insights into her research and dis­cuss the top­ic ‘Is AI fair? — Glob­al Chal­lenges of Arti­fi­cial Intelligence’.

The ‘Sci­ence Excites’ series of events aims to give pupils an insight into cur­rent and rel­ev­ant research top­ics in the spir­it of sci­ence trans­fer. In addi­tion to present­ing the research top­ics in a stu­dent-friendly and enganging way, the event focusses on dis­cuss­ing the con­tents togeth­er. By par­ti­cip­at­ing in this pro­gram, pupils not only gain an insight into cur­rent sci­entif­ic issues and top­ics that go bey­ond the con­tent of reg­u­lar les­sons, but — in the sense of sci­entif­ic pro­paedeut­ics — also into sci­entif­ic ways of think­ing and work­ing. Pupils who are poten­tially inter­ested in uni­ver­sity stud­ies can also gain an excit­ing impres­sion of the wide range of research and sub­jects at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübingen.

‘Sci­ence Excites!’ is an event organ­ised by the Tübin­gen School of Edu­ca­tion (TüSE) at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen in cooper­a­tion with the Uhland-Gym­nas­i­um Tübin­gen and the Isolde-Kurz-Gym­nas­i­um Reutlingen.