AI in museums: our mini series continues

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence occu­pies our soci­ety. This is not news, but can be seen in the most diverse areas of every­day life. For example, through the grow­ing num­ber of exhib­i­tions about and with AI, in which the top­ic is staged in dif­fer­ent ways and with dif­fer­ent object­ives. In this mini-series, we look at indi­vidu­al exhib­i­tions and present their per­spect­ives on AI. We are par­tic­u­larly inter­ested in how these exhib­i­tions com­mu­nic­ate science.

We are start­ing with two exhib­i­tions in our imme­di­ate neigh­bor­hood: first, we went to the Kun­st­mu­seum Stut­tgart (art museum of Stut­tgart). There, the exhib­i­tion "SHIFT.AI and a future soci­ety" was open to the pub­lic from Feb­ru­ary 4th to May 21st, 2023. The second part of the series shines a light on the AI exhib­i­tion in the Stadtmu­seum (city museum) of Tübin­gen: from Feb­ru­ary 11th, 2023 to Janu­ary 21st, 2024, the exhib­i­tion "Cyber and the City — Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence moves Tübin­gen" was on dis­play there.

Now we have expan­ded our radi­us and in the third part of the series, we are look­ing at the "#Deutsch­land­Di­git­al" (#Ger­manyDi­git­al) exhib­i­tion at the "Haus der Geschichte" (House of His­tory) in Bonn, which was on dis­play there from March 24th, 2023 to April 7th, 2024: