GAL Forschungsfokus

GAL Research Focus "Artificial Intelligence"

On this page we will col­lect all news about the new GAL research focus "Arti­fi­cial Intelligence"e future.

What is the research focus "Artificial Intelligence"?

The research focus "Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence" is the third research focus of the Gesell­schaft für Ange­wandte Lin­guistik (Soci­ety for Applied Lin­guist­ics) — GAL for short — along­side the research focuses "Refugees" and "Digit­al Infra­struc­tures for Applied Lin­guist­ics". In par­tic­u­lar, the inter­play between lan­guage, cul­ture and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence will be invest­ig­ated. The research focus is also inten­ded to offer lin­guists work­ing on AI net­work­ing oppor­tun­it­ies and at the same time cre­ate more vis­ib­il­ity for lin­guist­ic AI research, such as con­duc­ted by Unit 1 of the RHET AI Cen­ter. The research focus is coordin­ated by Dr. Nina Kal­wa, Dr. Monika Hanaus­ka and Prof. Dr. Annette Leßmöll­mann.

The new research focus was offi­cially intro­duced on May 17th, 2024 dur­ing the Arti­fi­cial Fri­day col­loqui­um. You can read more about the intro­cu­tion here (ger­man only).

Important Dates

  • May 17th, 2024: present­a­tion of the new GAL research focus AI dur­ing Arti­fi­cial Friday
  • Septem­ber 11th — 13th, 2024: poster present­a­tion dur­ing the GAL annu­al con­fer­ence in Dresden
  • Feb­ru­ary 27th + 28th, 2025: GAL research school for PhDs and postdocs in Karlsruhe


If you don't want to miss any­thing about the new research focus "Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence", you can register here for the mail­ing list (ger­man only). 

More inform­a­tion on the research focus Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence can be found here (ger­man only).