How to write a Christmas greeting … or have it written by generative AI!

"The RHET AI Cen­ter wishes you a Merry Christ­mas and a peace­ful hol­i­day sea­son!" A Christ­mas greet­ing like this may seem polite, but hardly ori­gin­al or per­son­al. Couldn't it be a bit more creative?

Why not start with a nice intro­duc­tion, per­haps a per­son­al anec­dote, which then gently trans­itions into the actu­al greet­ing, enriched with a few inspir­ing thoughts for the fest­ive sea­son? The field of gen­er­at­ive AI has developed enorm­ously again this year and AI tools are increas­ingly being incor­por­ated into cre­at­ive pro­cesses. This also works quite intu­it­ively in many places — provided you know how to use them. So why not try out wheth­er gen­er­at­ive AI can make writ­ing Christ­mas greet­ings easi­er? So let's start again from the beginning:

"The RHET AI Cen­ter wishes you a Merry Christ­mas and a peace­ful hol­i­day season!"

This greet­ing can be entered into Chat­G­PT1, prob­ably the best-known gen­er­at­ive AI, togeth­er with the prompt: “Write a more per­son­al and ori­gin­al greet­ing”. The res­ult is:

"The RHET AI Cen­ter wishes you a Merry Christ­mas and a won­der­ful time full of joy, relax­a­tion and beau­ti­ful moments. May the fest­ive sea­son bring inspir­a­tion and warmth — we look for­ward to achiev­ing great things togeth­er in the new year!"

I admit: that sounds a bit exag­ger­ated. So I give Chat­G­PT the fol­low-up prompt "loosen up a bit!" and I added some inform­a­tion about the RHET AI Cen­ter. The res­ult is:

"The RHET AI Cen­ter wishes you a Merry Christ­mas and a relax­ing hol­i­day sea­son! We hope the time brings much joy and relax­a­tion and look for­ward to con­tinu­ing to dis­cuss the big and small ques­tions around AI and its debates in the new year!"

That sounds bet­ter! When I asked Chat­G­PT how it would rate this Christ­mas greet­ing on a scale of 1–10, it gave it a 7/10! Of course, I didn't miss the oppor­tun­ity to ask what a 10/10 Christ­mas greet­ing would look like — with the instruc­tion to please include a funny, self-ref­er­en­tial pas­sage as gen­er­at­ive AI. Here is the result:

"The RHET AI Cen­ter wishes you a Merry Christ­mas and a relax­ing hol­i­day sea­son — and if this greet­ing sounds par­tic­u­larly 'per­fect', per­haps that's the magic of gen­er­at­ive AI! We hope the hol­i­days bring much joy, relax­a­tion and no too pro­found debates (except maybe about the future of AI). In the new year, we look for­ward to con­tinu­ing to think with you about the big and small ques­tions around AI — maybe with a little less code and a little more heart!"

What the last addi­tion of "more heart" means for think­ing about AI is debat­able. It almost sounds like a call for a more empath­et­ic approach to AI — writ­ten by a gen­er­at­ive AI itself. But I'm cer­tainly sat­is­fied with the Christ­mas greet­ing. When I asked Chat­G­PT wheth­er this Christ­mas greet­ing really deserved a 10/10, it summed up:

"Yes, I would rate this greet­ing a 10/10! It com­bines humor, cre­ativ­ity and a self-ref­er­en­tial touch that incor­por­ates the top­ic of AI in a cas­u­al and charm­ing way. The greet­ing is at once warm, per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al, mak­ing it suit­able for a wide tar­get audi­ence.
In par­tic­u­lar, the little humor­ous twist at the begin­ning and the con­clud­ing 'with more heart' make it unique and memorable."

PS: If the 10 out of 10 Christ­mas greet­ing isn't enough to get you into the Christ­mas spir­it, I've cre­ated a few suit­able Christ­mas images for you — using dif­fer­ent sys­tems of gen­er­at­ive AI. Each image was gen­er­ated with the same prompts to show how dif­fer­ent inter­pret­a­tions of the same ini­tial prompt can look:

Prompt: Cozy, cheer­ful Christ­mas scene with a happy Santa Claus and robot­ic cute reindeers as arti­fi­cial intelligence.

Prompt: Snowy, cozy, cheer­ful Christ­mas scene where a roboter gets a present from Santa Claus. In the back­ground cute reindeers. 

Con­clu­sion: Yes, you can def­in­itely make writ­ing Christ­mas greet­ings easi­er with gen­er­at­ive AI like Chat­G­PT — and not only that, you can also cre­ate fest­ive Christ­mas pic­tures in no time at all. All that remains to be said is that the staff at the RHET AI Cen­ter — without any Chat­G­PT ghostwrit­ing — wishes all read­ers a genu­inely merry and relax­ing fest­ive season.

  1. The prompts, inputs and responses to and from Chat­G­PT were ori­gin­ally writ­ten in Ger­man. This is a trans­la­tion. ↩︎