I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here - Schüler:innen fragen die Wissenschaft

New I'm a Scientist Topics: ‘Democracy and AI’ and ‘AI and Creativity’

The nation­wide I'm a Sci­ent­ist school pro­ject, which we run in part­ner­ship with Wis­senschaft im Dia­log (Sci­ence in Dia­logue), is launch­ing two new rounds in June.

Topic "Democracy and AI"

Half-hour live chats will give stu­dents the oppor­tun­ity to ask sci­ent­ists their ques­tions on a spe­cif­ic top­ic. From June 3rd to 5th, the focus will be on ‘Demo­cracy and AI’. In the run-up to the 2024 elec­tions, ques­tions about the impact of AI on the demo­crat­ic sys­tem, oppor­tun­it­ies and risks, and pos­sible uses of AI to safe­guard demo­cracy can be dis­cussed with research experts.

Sci­ent­ist from a wide range of dis­cip­lines whose research focuses on demo­cracy and polit­ics and who are invest­ig­at­ing, devel­op­ing or reflect­ing on the applic­a­tion of AI in the con­text of their research top­ic are invited to apply as experts for these rounds. Regis­tra­tion for the Demo­cracy and AI pan­el is still open for research­ers until 12 May! (Note: the pro­ject lan­guage is Ger­man)

Stu­dents from the ages of grade 9 and upwards can take part dur­ing this round. Due to the high demand, regis­tra­tion for school classes was closed early.

Topic "AI and Creativity"

The second round, tak­ing place from June 17th to 21st , will focus on ‘AI and Cre­ativ­ity’. Stu­dents will have the oppor­tun­ity to talk to research­ers about co-cre­at­ing with AI, copy­right issues related to AI-gen­er­ated media, and future per­spect­ives on cre­ativ­ity. Experts from all dis­cip­lines who are engaged in research or pro­fes­sion­al prac­tice in the arts, cul­ture and media, and who are invest­ig­at­ing, devel­op­ing or reflect­ing on the applic­a­tion of AI in the con­text of their research, are invited to apply as experts for these rounds. Regis­tra­tion for this them­at­ic round is open until May 26th, 2024. (Note: the pro­ject lan­guage is Ger­man)

It is open to classes from all types of schools from Year 7 onwards from all over Ger­many. The pro­gramme is free of charge. Regis­tra­tion for school classes is still pos­sible until May 26th. More inform­a­tion is avail­able on the pro­ject web­site.