Lecture: "Rhetorical Transformers. Strategies for Thinking Alongside Generative AI"

The eighth annu­al con­fer­ence of the Rhet­or­ic Soci­ety of Europe on "Rhet­or­ic as Stra­tegic Think­ing" will take place at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen from June 1 to 3. The con­fer­ence is jointly organ­ized by the Sem­in­ar for Gen­er­al Rhet­or­ic and the Insti­tute for Media Stud­ies. The con­fer­ence pro­gram includes lec­tures and dis­cus­sions from the field of rhet­or­ic as well as per­spect­ives from media and com­mu­nic­a­tion stud­ies. The con­fer­ence provides a plat­form for the exchange of know­ledge and ideas between schol­ars from all over the world.

With the present­a­tion "Rhet­or­ic­al Trans­formers. Strategies for think­ing along­side gen­er­at­ive AI" by Dr. Markus Gott­schling, the RHET AI Cen­ter is also rep­res­en­ted at the conference.

In his talk, Dr. Markus Gott­schling will dis­cuss the rhet­or­ic­al dimen­sion of prompts, their func­tions and effects in the rhet­or­ic­al sys­tem, human-machine inter­ac­tion with regard to algorithmic cre­ativ­ity, and the sig­ni­fic­ance of prompts for com­mu­nic­a­tion structures.