The next round of the AI and Journalism program has been announced.
How can journalists cover the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) research? How can machine learning, computer vision and other AI applications be used in journalism? In our Journalist-in-Residence program, you will develop your own answers in conversation with our researchers.
The release of the ChatGPT chatbot by Open AI was the latest example of the impact that AI technologies can have on text production, journalism and the media world. At the same time, the European Union is in the process of discussing how to comprehensively regulate the technology. How can journalists properly report on artificial intelligence? And what is behind this buzzword? How can newsrooms make use of AI-based tools?
To give interested journalists the freedom to do their own research and develop their own projects, RHET AI, with the support of Cyber Valley GmbH, offers a Journalist-in-Residence Program. The program is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation at the Center for Rhetorical Science Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence (RHET AI) in Tübingen. Interested freelance or full-time journalists can apply for a three- to six-month paid stay until April 15th.
During this time, the journalist-in-residence will be able to completely independently conduct research on a topic of their choice in collaboration with AI researchers from various disciplines. RHET AI and Cyber Valley do not expect any reporting on AI topics or the institutions during this time.
What do we offer?
During their stay, the journalist-in-residence will be introduced to the fundamentals of machine learning, computer vision and robotics in background talks and will be able to build their own network of internationally renowned researchers in the Cyber Valley ecosystem. In addition to exclusive mentoring, we also offer
- Embedding in the RHET AI research team
- Insights into the ecosystem of Cyber Valley
- Freedom for creativity and reflection on methods, tools and AI-powered journalism
- Paid work contract
- Budget for own events (e.g. workshops, expert talks, travel)
- Accommodation costs covered
How to apply?
Interested applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and idea paper to Patrick Klügel by April 15. The two-page idea paper should describe the journalistic challenge related to AI or with the help of AI to be solved during the fellowship. Selection criteria include journalistic quality and reach, as well as the creativity, relevance and feasibility of the self-selected research or project task. An independent jury will recommend up to two candidates from the applications received for the program by early May.
The JIR program will accept either two journalists for three-month residencies or one journalist for a six-month residency. The first three-month slot will begin in July, and the second in October 2023. For more information on the call for applications and the process of the Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence Program, please see this flyer.
Contact for the JIR-Program
Patrick Klügel
Public Engagement Manager
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Zentrale Verwaltung · Dez. II Abt. 1, Forschungs- und Exzellenzstrategie
Rümelinstr. 32 · 72070 Tübingen
+49 151 / 74238237