Public Engagement

Public Engagement

Nationwide School Projects

Pupils today already encounter Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in their daily lives. In the future, they will heav­ily have to deal with all the pos­sib­il­it­ies, chal­lenges, and prob­lems of AI-tech­no­lo­gies. Thus, it is import­ant to us that we start a dia­logue with them about these consequences.

Our prac­tice part­ner Wis­senschaft im Dia­log ("Sci­ence in Dia­logue") has already ini­ti­ated two nation­wide school pro­jects which aim to intro­duce pupils to the dimen­sions of AI in sci­ence and soci­ety and allow them a com­pet­ent hand­ling of AI-technologies.

I’m a Scientist: AI Edition

I'm a Sci­ent­ist is an online pro­gram which enables a dir­ect inter­ac­tion between pupils and sci­ent­ist from the area of arti­fi­cial intelligence.

Pupils in their 5th year of school and high­er enter into dia­logue with sci­ent­ists through live-chats and a ques­tion­ing func­tion. Through this, pupils get intro­duced to the work day of sci­ent­ists, learn what rela­tions cur­rent research has to their day-to-day life and fur­ther­more, that sci­ent­ists are nor­mal humans with hob­bies and a favor­ite food as well. The idea for I’m a sci­ent­ist ori­gin­ated in the United Kingdom.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion on the I'm a Scientist-Website

Junior AI Coffee Shops

Juni­or AI Cof­fee Shops are talk­ing rounds organ­ized by pupils with experts in AI research. The ini­ti­at­ive from the teen­agers is at the fore­front here: they research, organ­ize, mod­er­ate, and make import­ant decisions.

The focus of Juni­or AI Cof­fee Shops is less on the tech­nic­al achieve­ments or details and more on the soci­et­al con­sequences of AI research. Aside from a short impulse present­a­tion, the cof­fee shops include dis­cus­sions led by stu­dents and world-cof­fee-shop-ele­ments which the entire school com­munity can par­take in.

To the web­site of our part in prax­is “Wis­senschaft im Dialog”