The Artificial Friday is back!

It's time! The Arti­fi­cial Fri­day is start­ing this week and we are look­ing for­ward to see you on Zoom!

Over the course of three Fri­days, we will hear con­tri­bu­tions from a vari­ety of human­it­ies dis­cip­lines, includ­ing soci­ology, lit­er­ary stud­ies, philo­sophy, theo­logy, and rhet­or­ic. The lec­tures will take place online via Zoom, attend­ance is free. Ques­tions and dis­cus­sions about the lec­tures are strongly encouraged!

The regis­tra­tion for the mail­ing list is done via the Arti­fi­cial-Fri­day-web­site or via email to Ms. Anna Köhler.

Join­ing us this semester are:

May 12th 2023, 2 — 4 pm (MESZ Berlin time)

A Soci­olo­gic­al Per­spect­ive of AI Eth­ics
Dr. Dafna Bur­ema
(Research­cluster Sci­ence of Intel­li­gence, TU Ber­lin)

Using GPT for nar­rat­ive text annota­tion
Prof. Andrew Piper
(McGill Uni­ver­sity)

23. Juni 2023, 14 — 16 Uhr

KI als geschaf­fene Neuge­borene und künst­liche Nach­kom­men
Dr. Bruno Gran­sche
(Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy Futures, KIT)

Dr. Markus Gott­schling
(RHET AI Cen­ter, Uni­ver­sity of Tübingen)

14. Juli 2023, 14 — 16 Uhr

Roboter, liebst du mich?
Dr. Anna Puzio
(Uni­ver­sity of Twente, Nieder­lande)

Neur­onale Inspir­a­tion
Jenifer Beck­er
(Uni­ver­sity of Hildesheim)

The talks on May 12th will be held in Eng­lish, the talks on June 23rd and July 14th will be held in German.