The student editorial team

Behind many art­icles, images, and graph­ics at the RHET AI Centre stands the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team, cur­rently con­sist­ing of three mem­bers: Alina Haber­mann, Car­olin Volz, and Car­olin Saia. We have been study­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen for sev­er­al years and have been part of the team for one year. Close col­lab­or­a­tion with the uni­ver­sity stu­dents is highly val­ued at the RHET AI Centre, and the stu­dents in the edit­or­i­al team make a sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to rep­res­ent­ing the RHET AI Centre online and at events. To allow you to get to know the people behind the scenes, we would like to intro­duce ourselves.

The stu­dent edit­or­i­al team is led by Lukas Kohmann. He is pur­su­ing his PhD in Unit 2 of the RHET AI Centre on the top­ic of "AI in Film". The social media chan­nels are man­aged by Anna Köhler, who is engaged in her research on "Protest in AI Dis­course" for her PhD.

From left to right: Car­olin Volz, Alina Haber­mann, Anna Köhler, Lukas Kohmann, Car­olin Saia

Alina is study­ing Media Stud­ies at the master's level. With­in the edit­or­i­al team, she is respons­ible for vari­ous tasks, such as edit­ing and cut­ting video mater­i­al. She pas­sion­ately enjoys pho­to­graphy with her Nikon DSLR cam­era and is always ready to util­ise her skills at the RHET AI Centre. Addi­tion­ally, she enjoys attend­ing vari­ous events related to AI, where she writes art­icles for the web­site and con­trib­utes occa­sion­al updates for X, Mas­to­don, and Bluesky. She sees her role at the RHET AI Centre as an oppor­tun­ity to expand and deep­en her com­pet­en­cies, greatly valu­ing the prac­tic­al exper­i­ence gained from the job.

Here is an over­view of Alina's articles.

Car­olin V. is study­ing Rhet­or­ic at the master's level. Her main task is writ­ing, which not only aligns per­fectly with her field of study but also brings her a great deal of enjoy­ment. Caro has a strong affin­ity for sci­ence, which is why sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion holds a spe­cial place in her heart. She val­ues her role at the RHET AI Centre so much pre­cisely because she believes it is import­ant to ensure that every­one has access to com­plex top­ics such as Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and can under­stand what research is cur­rently being con­duc­ted. Through her art­icles on events, exhib­i­tions, and AI tools, she con­trib­utes to mak­ing AI research more under­stand­able for everyone.

Here is an over­view of Car­olin V.'s articles.

Car­olin S. is pur­su­ing a master's degree in Empir­ic­al Cul­tur­al Stud­ies. With a bachelor's degree in Rhet­or­ic, she fits seam­lessly into the team! With­in the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team, she is highly involved in writ­ing and primar­ily man­ages social media. Addi­tion­ally, she assists with Unit 3 of the RHET AI Centre. In her master's study pro­ject, she also explores AI and its applic­a­tions in every­day life. She par­tic­u­larly enjoys her role at the RHET AI Centre because of its con­tent, as she is deeply inter­ested in the inter­sec­tions of com­mu­nic­a­tion, sci­ence, and their combination.

Here is an over­view of Car­olin S.'s articles.

Togeth­er, our main respons­ib­il­it­ies include man­aging the con­tent of the web­site, craft­ing announce­ment texts for social media – such as brief updates on X (formerly Twit­ter) – and assist­ing wherever needed. Addi­tion­ally, we are account­able for con­cep­tu­al­ising and pro­du­cing videos, and we per­son­ally gath­er inform­a­tion and images for our art­icles at events.

Col­lab­or­a­tion with­in the edit­or­i­al team is based on mutu­al sup­port. If one of us falls ill or goes on hol­i­day, the oth­er two take on the tasks. Dur­ing events, we always oper­ate on the prin­ciple of divi­sion of labour. For instance, one of us takes notes for the art­icle while anoth­er cap­tures pho­to­graphs. In bi-weekly edit­or­i­al meet­ings, tasks and upcom­ing events are dis­cussed, and art­icles to be writ­ten are dis­trib­uted based on avail­able hours. This is also where we can pro­pose new formats.

RHET AI on Social Media

RHET AI on Social Media

Former Mem­bers of the Stu­dent Edit­or­i­al Team

Ant­o­nia Lehn stud­ied Media Stud­ies at the master's level. In addi­tion to writ­ing vari­ous art­icles, she pre­pared graph­ics and enhanced them. If there was a need to per­fectly integ­rate an image into a graph­ic or if a suit­able cut image was miss­ing for an art­icle, she took care of it. She also took many pho­tos at events with her cam­era, which she greatly enjoyed. Work­ing at the RHET AI Centre brought her a lot of joy, par­tic­u­larly because of the prac­tic­al exper­i­ence closely related to her stud­ies. Addi­tion­ally, she had a keen interest in the top­ic of sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion and AI, mak­ing the job an ideal match for her per­son­al interests and her stud­ies. Worked from April 2023 to Septem­ber 2023.

Here is an over­view of Antonia's art­icles. You can find her pho­tos, among oth­er places, in the art­icle about the read­ing with Tom Hillenbrand.