RHET AI at the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film

Dr. Erwin Fey­er­sing­er: Dis­rupt­ive Poten­tial of Gen­er­at­ive AI in Anim­a­tion Pro­duc­tion: Between Mar­ket­ing Hype, Mis­con­cep­tions, Co-Cre­ation, and Eco­nom­ic Pressure 

Where: April 27, 2024. 12:30 – 14:00 

Where: Haus der Kath­ol­ischen Kirche, König­straße 7, Stuttgart 

Dr. Erwin Fey­er­sing­er (Unit 2 RHET AI: Visu­al Com­mu­nic­a­tion) is giv­ing a lec­ture at the Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Anim­ated Film (ITFS) in Stut­tgart. He will talk about gen­er­at­ive AI in anim­a­tion pro­duc­tion and its dis­rupt­ive poten­tial in this dynam­ic field.

In his lec­ture, he will exam­ine the vari­ous influ­ences on the use of gen­er­at­ive AI in anim­a­tion: How do mar­ket­ing hypes, eco­nom­ic pres­sure or even fic­tion­al rep­res­ent­a­tions determ­ine how machine learn­ing and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence are per­ceived and under­stood in amin­a­tion production?

Lec­ture: Dis­rupt­ive Poten­tial of Gen­er­at­ive AI in Anim­a­tion Pro­duc­tion — ITFS — Stut­tgart Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Anim­ated Film

Foto: Inter­na­tionales Trick­film-Fest­iv­al Stuttgart

The Stut­tgart Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Anim­ated Film (ITFS)

The Stut­tgart Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Anim­ated Film (ITFS) is one of the world's most import­ant events in the field of anim­ated film. It gath­ers anim­a­tion enthu­si­asts, artists and industry pro­fes­sion­als. Everything revolves around anim­a­tion — there are com­pet­i­tions, innov­at­ive and trans­me­dia works and tal­ent pro­mo­tion. Spe­cials such as the open-air cinema on Schlossplatz or the GameZone give the fest­iv­al a spe­cial charm factor. The diverse pro­gram also offers audi­ence dis­cus­sions, present­a­tions and get-togeth­ers for dir­ect exchange between film­makers and the pub­lic and pro­motes dis­course on films, aes­thet­ics, tech­niques and con­tent. In this con­text, the top­ic of AI tech­no­logy in the anim­a­tion industry is a must and we are delighted that Dr. Erwin Fey­er­sing­er will also be present­ing find­ings from the RHET AI Center's Research Unit 2 on the dis­rupt­ive poten­tial of gen­er­at­ive AI in the anim­a­tion industry.

The fest­iv­al lasts a whole week, from April 23 — 28, 2024.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion, the pro­gram and tick­ets can be found here:
Stut­tgart Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Anim­ated Film (ITFS) — www.itfs.de