AI in the US election campaign — expert discussion at d.a.i. with Olaf Kramer and Christoph Bieber

When? June 25th 2024, 7:15 pm
Where? d.a.i.-Saal (Karlstr. 3, Tübingen) and online

The US pres­id­en­tial elec­tion is com­ing up again this Novem­ber. In rela­tion to the 2024 elec­tion, the keyword arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence has been men­tioned over and over again.

It is well known that AI was used in Don­ald Trump's last pres­id­en­tial elec­tion. There were also reports of attempts to influ­ence the elec­tion using AI tech­no­lo­gies in the run-up to the 2024 elec­tion. For example, an AI-gen­er­ated sim­u­la­tion of Joe Biden's voice called voters in the state of New Hamp­shire by phone to dis­cour­age them from vot­ing in the primaries.

How­ever, AI sim­u­la­tions, such as the widely known deep­fakes, are not the only way to influ­ence elec­tions using arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. The expert dis­cus­sion will explore the pos­sible forms of influ­en­cing elec­tions through AI. How do they work in gen­er­al and how can AI involve­ment be unmasked? What oth­er influ­ence do algorithms have on the polit­ic­al opin­ion-form­ing pro­cess?  What dangers and risks do AI-triggered dis­in­form­a­tion pose for our demo­cracy and how can we arm ourselves against them?

Prof. Dr. Olaf Kramer, Pro­fess­or of Rhet­or­ic and Sci­ence Com­mu­nic­a­tion, and Prof. Dr. Chris­toph Bieber polit­ic­al sci­ent­ist at the Cen­ter for Advanced Inter­net Stud­ies (CAIS) with a focus on digit­al­iz­a­tion and demo­cracy, will dis­cuss these and oth­er ques­tions togeth­er. The mod­er­at­or will be Alina Burk­hold­er, pro­ject man­ager at Atlantik-Brücke.

The even­ing is being organ­ized by d.a.i. Tübin­gen in cooper­a­tion with the RHET AI Cen­ter, the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen, the Carl Schurz Haus Freiburg, the DAZ Stut­tgart and the Road to Elec­tion and Bey­ond pro­ject series.

The event will be held in Ger­man in the d.a.i.-Saal. Par­ti­cip­a­tion is free of charge and pos­sible on site and online without registration.