The student editorial team: update

Behind the web­site, numer­ous art­icles, images, and graph­ics, stands the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team at the RHET AI Cen­ter, cur­rently con­sist­ing of four research assist­ants: Alina Haber­mann, Car­olin Volz, Car­olin Saia and Jonas Ouass. We, Alina, Caro, and Car­olin, have been study­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen for sev­er­al years and have been part of the team for over a year. Jonas, from the Hein­rich-Heine-Uni­ver­sity of Düs­sel­dorf, joined us in Septem­ber 2024. Close col­lab­or­a­tion with stu­dents from vari­ous uni­ver­sit­ies is very import­ant to us at the RHET AI Cen­ter. The stu­dent edit­or­i­al team plays a cru­cial role in rep­res­ent­ing the RHET AI Cen­ter online and at events. To intro­duce ourselves and let you get to know the people behind the scenes, we would like to intro­duce ourselves with this article.

Start­ing Septem­ber 2024, the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team is offi­cially led by Anna Köhler. She is work­ing towards a PhD in Unit 1 of the RHET AI Cen­ter on the top­ic of "Protest in AI Dis­course" and also man­ages the social media chan­nels. Pre­vi­ously, the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team was led by Lukas Kohmann, who com­pleted his PhD in Unit 2 of the RHET AI Cen­ter on "AI in Film" and left the team at the end of August 2024. We wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Alina is pur­su­ing a Master's in Media Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen. She com­pleted her Bach­el­or of Arts in Media Stud­ies and Eng­lish in the sum­mer of 2023. As the Media Stud­ies stu­dent on the edit­or­i­al team, she is respons­ible for vari­ous cre­at­ive and journ­al­ist­ic tasks, such as writ­ing art­icles, organ­ising events, pre­par­ing, execut­ing, and some­times lead­ing pro­jects, as well as video and pho­to­graphy. She brings fresh ideas and innov­at­ive con­cepts to the edit­or­i­al team. She espe­cially enjoys attend­ing vari­ous events on the top­ic of AI, for which she writes art­icles for the web­site, and she exchanges ideas with research­ers and experts on AI. She is deeply pas­sion­ate about the devel­op­ment of AI and views her role at the RHET AI Cen­ter as an oppor­tun­ity to engage con­tinu­ously with the latest AI research and sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion, expand­ing and deep­en­ing her skills. She also greatly val­ues the free­dom and autonomy her job provides.

Here is an over­view of Ali­nas art­icles in Eng­lish. Here is an over­view of Ali­nas art­icles in Ger­man.

Car­olin V. is study­ing Rhet­or­ic for her Master’s at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen and has a strong pas­sion for writ­ing, which per­fectly com­ple­ments her stud­ies and brings her great joy. Her strong affin­ity for sci­ence and com­mit­ment to sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion make her role at the RHET AI Cen­ter par­tic­u­larly valu­able to her, and vice versa: Caro brings new energy into the edit­or­i­al team with her motiv­ated and cre­at­ive pro­ject ideas. Her innov­at­ive approaches and ded­ic­a­tion not only improve intern­al team com­mu­nic­a­tion but also foster a dynam­ic and pro­duct­ive work­ing atmo­sphere. Through her art­icles on events, exhib­i­tions, and cur­rent AI tools, she ensures that com­plex top­ics like arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence become under­stand­able to a wide audi­ence. Caro par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ates her job at the RHET AI Cen­ter because it allows her to make a sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion and inspire the pub­lic with innov­at­ive research.

Here is an over­view of Car­olin V.'s art­icles in Eng­lish. Here is an over­view of Car­olin V.'s art­icles in Ger­man.

Car­olin S. is study­ing Empir­ic­al Cul­tur­al Stud­ies for her Master’s at the Uni­ver­sity of Tübin­gen. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Rhet­or­ic and brings pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence from the pub­lic sec­tor to the team. In the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team, she writes extens­ively and primar­ily man­ages social media, and addi­tion­ally assists in Unit 3 of the RHET AI Cen­ter. She is also an indis­pens­able part of the team organ­ising our citizen's coun­cil "AI and Free­dom". She handles vari­ous areas of com­mu­nic­a­tion related to the pro­ject and is always act­ively involved with input, ideas, and enthu­si­asm. Her Master’s pro­ject is also focused on AI and its soci­et­al trans­form­a­tion poten­tial, as well as com­mu­nic­at­ing this top­ic in the museum land­scape. Her know­ledge con­tinu­ously stim­u­lates dis­cus­sions with­in the team, bring­ing new views, per­spect­ives, and insights. She par­tic­u­larly enjoys the mix of edit­or­i­al work and the cit­izen coun­cil as a pub­lic engage­ment project.

Here is an over­view of Car­olin S.'s art­icles in Eng­lish. Here is an over­view of Car­olin S.'s art­icles in Ger­man.

Jonas Ouass is study­ing Philo­sophy for his Master’s at the Uni­ver­sity of Düs­sel­dorf. He will start his job at the RHET AI Cen­ter this Septem­ber and is thus our first extern­al mem­ber of the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team. Due to his Bach­el­or of Arts in Philo­sophy, Ancient Cul­ture, and Ger­man Stud­ies, he brings a diverse aca­dem­ic back­ground and a deep pas­sion for vari­ous philo­soph­ic­al top­ics to the role. Jonas’ respons­ib­il­it­ies include not only writ­ing art­icles and reports but also main­tain­ing the web­site. Addi­tion­ally, he will take care of video edit­ing and pos­sibly image edit­ing. As a philo­soph­er, Jonas has developed a strong interest in sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion, par­tic­u­larly in the field of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, which is also a major top­ic in philo­sophy. This new role allows him to com­bine his love for writing—whether in the form of art­icles, stor­ies, or oth­er texts—with his pas­sion for cla­ri­fy­ing com­plex sci­entif­ic top­ics. He looks for­ward to con­trib­ut­ing to help­ing cit­izens devel­op informed opin­ions about AI. For Jonas, his role at the RHET AI Cen­ter is an ideal oppor­tun­ity to merge his interests and act­ively con­trib­ute to mak­ing AI research more under­stand­able and access­ible. We look for­ward to work­ing with him!

Togeth­er, we as a team are primar­ily respons­ible for main­tain­ing the web­site. We write a range of art­icles, from event announce­ments to fea­tures and reviews. We also cre­ate announce­ment texts for social media — for instance, brief updates on X — devel­op new con­cepts both inde­pend­ently and as a team, and gen­er­ally assist wherever needed. Addi­tion­ally, we are respons­ible for the con­cep­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of videos and per­son­ally gath­er inform­a­tion and images for our art­icles at events.

Col­lab­or­a­tion with­in the edit­or­i­al team is based on mutu­al sup­port. If someone falls ill or goes on hol­i­day, the oth­er team mem­bers take over their tasks. At events, we fol­low a prin­ciple of task divi­sion. For example, one per­son takes notes for the art­icle while anoth­er takes the pho­tos. In bi-weekly edit­or­i­al meet­ings, we dis­cuss tasks and upcom­ing events and alloc­ate art­icles accord­ing to avail­able hours. We can also pro­pose new formats here.

RHET AI on Social Media

Former mem­bers of the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team:

Lukas Kohmann led the stu­dent edit­or­i­al team until August 2024. He worked on his PhD in Unit 2 of the RHET AI Cen­ter on "AI in Film" and left the team at the end of August 2024. We wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Ant­o­nia Lehn stud­ied Media Stud­ies for her Master’s. Besides writ­ing vari­ous art­icles, she pre­pared and enhanced graph­ics. If a per­fect image needed to be added to a graph­ic or a suit­able cut image was miss­ing for an art­icle, she took care of it. She also took many pho­tos at events with her cam­era, which she enjoyed immensely. She par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ated the prac­tic­al and study-related exper­i­ence of work­ing at the RHET AI Cen­ter. She was also very inter­ested in sci­ence com­mu­nic­a­tion and AI, which made the job a per­fect fit with her per­son­al interests and stud­ies. She was part of the team from April 2023 to Septem­ber 2023.

Here is an over­view of Antonia's art­icles. Her pho­tos can be found, among oth­er places, in the art­icle about the read­ing with Tom Hillenbrand.