On September 3, 2024, we welcomed Petra Olschowski, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts, to RHET AI. Ms. Olschowski came to Tübingen on the occasion of the launch of the Citizens' Council "Artificial Intelligence and Freedom" on September 21, 2024 and took the opportunity to find out about the various initiatives and research projects of the Center for Science Communication. In addition to the RHET AI and the Citizens’ Council, the projects Jugend Präsentiert, Science Notes Magazine, the initiative KI macht Schule, the Civis Open Lab and the IZEW also presented themselves.

Image: Friedhelm Albrecht University of Tübingen
After a welcoming address by Rector Karla Pollmann, Olaf Kramer and Susanne Marschall presented the RHET AI Center's idea, research and objectives as a center for rhetorical science communication research on artificial intelligence to the Minister. Patrick Klügel then explained the Citizens' Assembly "Artificial Intelligence and Freedom" in more detail.
The presentations were followed by an open discussion with participants from all institutions and initiatives, in which the dimensions, possibilities and resistances of science communication and the Citizens' Assembly were explored. Minister Petra Olschowski repeatedly emphasized the importance of science communication for society, especially against the backdrop of growing extremist and "non-scientific" models of explaining the world.
The Minister also expressly welcomed the Citizens' Council as a participation format. While in the past, politicians have been very skeptical about participation formats, experience has shown time and again that they bring great added value. Politicians have the opportunity to learn from the experiences, wishes and expertise of citizens.

Image: Friedhelm Albrecht University of Tübingen
Minister Petra Olschowski sees the Citizens' Assembly "Artificial Intelligence and Freedom" as a great opportunity to find out what concerns people about AI, what questions and fears they have. With this background knowledge, science and politics can respond better to the needs and living environment of citizens and thus involve them more actively and directly.
"I'm looking forward to the results," emphasized Petra Olschowski and signaled her interest in engaging with the results of the Citizens' Assembly in the long term.
In discussions with the experts, the need for public engagement was stressed repeatedly: science should never tire of actively involving society. Especially in the field of artificial intelligence, a high level of emotionalization of society can be observed. People are concerned about the topic and it is linked to many questions and fears that need to be addressed. This is the task of science communication.

Image: Friedhelm Albrecht University of Tübingen
At the end of the discussion, all participants were very positive about the future of science communication and away from the exchange with new impulses and impressions.

Image: Friedhelm Albrecht University of Tübingen
Following the presentation of the Citizens' Council, Minister Petra Olschowski had the opportunity to get to know the individual projects and initiatives in a specially set up showroom and to talk to the respective representatives. The Minister was impressed by the diverse approaches with which science communication is already being put into practice in Tübingen.