Looking back: Algorithms, AI and the Future of Theater — Annie Dorsen at the d.a.i. Top Talk in Tübingen
The Creativity of Machines: Annie Dorsen's innovative approaches
Annie Dorsen combines AI and Creativity in the world of theater and poses critical questions.
She brings together the concepts of AI and creativity while taking a critical look at them. The renowned theater director uses algorithms and artificial intelligence (systems such as ChatGPT) in her theater productions and explores how art can succeed in collaboration with such technological innovations and how co-creative processes can open up new possibilities.

Unique Performances: The Role of Algorithms in Theater
Dorsen's plays show how AI can influence the creative process and create a new experience each time.
During her visit to Tübingen on January 12th, 2024, the New Yorker presented three of her plays. Each performance is unique because the AI systems process new input in the form of prompts and generate new output.
- Hello Hi There: These are algorithms programmed by Annie Dorsen, which have been trained with various content such as YouTube comments, texts by scientists or conversations between Annie Dorsen and her friends. During the performance, they are used to create an individual conversation between two computers.
- Yesterday — Tomorrow: The piece is based on the temporal aspect of the change between yesterday and tomorrow, as well as the change from sadness to optimism. An algorithm gradually morphs the Beatles song Yesterday into Tomorrow (Annie — Musical). Three singers sing the notes generated live by the algorithm, spontaneously and without preparation.
- Prometheus Firebringer: Faces are projected onto masks using artificial intelligence, and the language of the choir and Prometheus, as well as the story of Prometheus, is supplemented by text generation. Short monologues by Annie Dorsen are integrated into the piece.
Die The Essence of Theater: Imitation and Creativity
In a conversation with Dr. Johannes Birgfeld und Dr. Markus Gottschling, Annie Dorsen discussed the development and meaning of her plays. The central question was the role of imitation and its inherent creativity: According to Aristotle, imitation is the essence of theater, said Dorsen. Chatbots mimic human speech and place excerpts in a new context. But according to Dorsen, there is a crucial difference between human and machine imitation in terms of creative communication and the intentionality of communication.
Challenges and Opportunities: The Future of Theaters
The availability of AI brings with it new questions and opportunities for the world of theater, as Dorsen's work illustrates. The evening provided an enriching insight into Annie Dorsen's world of thought and creation, and inspired new perspectives on future theatrical productions.
See also: RHET AI — Algorithms, AI and the Future of Theater and d.a.i. Tübingen