On three Fridays between May and July, we will once again focus on the topic of "artificial intelligence".
Artificial intelligence is considered one of the greatest opportunities and challenges facing our society today. Research on AI comes from a variety of scientific disciplines, from the natural and technical sciences to the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. Because language and culture are of great importance in the context of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is also a topic of research in the humanities, which we want to address in the "Artificial Friday" colloquium.
Language plays a role in artificial intelligence in various ways. Many artificial intelligence systems can speak for themselves, which in turn leads to humans talking to artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is also the subject of many scientific and non-scientific debates as a source of hope for the future, which is also associated with many fears. As a result, artificial intelligence is a recurring topic of discussion.
The colloquium will explore these connections between language, culture and artificial intelligence. On one Friday each in May, June and July, two different humanistic approaches to the topic of AI will be presented.
Registration for participation in the online colloquium via e‑mail at nina.kalwa@kit.edu.
All information on artificial-friday.de
Simon Meier-Vieracker (Dresden)
No Choice. Reflections on the Stylistics of Generated Texts (Talk is in German)
Vorstellung des GAL-Forschungsfokus mit digitaler Posterpräsentation von:
- Tamara Bodden (Kassel)
Artificial Gender – The linguistic construction of gender in AI (Talk is in German) - Alyssa Kutzner (Wuppertal)
Text Machine or Writing Artist? The transformative influence of Artificial Intelligence on Writing in Secondary Education (Talk is in German) - Kuanyong Qiu (Zürich)
Shaping AI in Chinese and German Media Discourse Pre- and Post-Launch of ChatGPT
Ellen Fricke (Chemnitz)
Addressee Design and Intentional Complexity: semiotic perspectives on processes of Anthropomorphisation (Talk is in German)
Jan Georg Schneider (Landau)
Intelligible Textures: What role can ChatGPT play in essay evaluation? (Talk is in German)
Alyssa Kutzner/Kirsten Schindler (Wuppertal)
AI and Writing in Schools: Reviews, Tests, Findings (Talk is in German)
Britta Schneider (Frankfurt Oder)
Posthumanist Linguistics, Colonialism and AI – How Language Technologies Reproduce and Reconfigure Global Power Structures (Talk is in German)