Carolin Volz

Symbolbild: Piktogramm einer vortragenden Person vor einem Publikum.
Current - en

Nina Kalwa as Keynote Speaker at GLOTECH 2024

How do tech­no­lo­gic­al devel­op­ments and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence influ­ence lan­guage learn­ing and trans­la­tion? Are tech­nic­al innov­a­tions lead­ing to fun­da­ment­al changes in this area? And how can learners,

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Current - en

Testing AI Tools: Consensus

With the "Deus Ex Mach­ina? — Test­ing AI Tools"-series we want to show you dif­fer­ent tools, that aim to sim­pli­fy writ­ing, design and research by

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